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California Consumers' Rights Request Form

This form is for use by California Consumers to submit requests under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regarding their personal information.

If you ARE NOT a California Consumers, please DO NOT use this form.

More information can be found in our privacy policy here.

If you are a California resident but also a Gateway client with questions or concerns about your personal information, feel free to directly contact your client service representative at 513-719-1100. Upon receipt of this request, Gateway will:

    • Confirm receipt of this request within 10 days
    • Undertake to verify the Consumer (requestor) making the request
    • Once able to verify the request, provide a response within 45 days (90 days when reasonably necessary and notice is provided to the Consumer in the first 45 days)

The information below is required for Gateway to identify and verify the person making the request pursuant to CCPA regulations in order to provide or delete the requested information.

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